Racer Bios for 2012 Yukon River Quest Entrants


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Teams show in this colour have paid the waitlist fee, and are not fully registered until the full fee is paid.

Teams shown is this colour have paid and are registered, but their registration is missing some required field.

Team Class Category Team name Members
Team Class Category Team name Members
1 Solo Kayak mens Nail-by-Nail Robert Ross
2 Solo Kayak mens PaddleMan Ben Price
3 Voyageur womens Outward Bound Canada Charlotte Jacklein, Kat McGlynn
Meg Sheepway, Su Castle
Joanna Sadowski, Erin Pehar
Julie Genzel, Shannon Hartwig
Sarah Connolly, Katie Flynn
4 Solo Kayak mens KayakMan Darwin Wiebe
5 Tandem Canoe mixed Looking4Jamaica Paul Adams, Susan Adams
6 Solo Kayak mens Dharma Bum Gus Oliveira
7 Tandem Kayak womens Cedar Strippers Lyndsey Haak, Diane Haak
8 Solo Canoe open Boy in a Boat Brendan May
9 Solo Kayak mens WILDFEET Marc Hebert
10 Tandem Canoe mixed Pas de L'on Ryerson Clark, Anne Clark
11 Solo Kayak mens Fast Trax John Louis Heudes
12 Voyageur mixed The Unsinkables Ken Mulloy, Eleanor Mulloy
Christine Paradis, Mark Newman
Sierra Van Der Meer, Margot Neely
Luigi Zanasi, Janne Hicklin
George Privett
13 Tandem Kayak mens Lazy Turtle Oleg Sorokin, Janis Balodis
14 Solo Kayak mens Skinny Blades and Shades Scott Kerby
15 Solo Kayak mens The Austrian Heinz Rodinger
16 Tandem Kayak mens tera santa isreal Alon Peled, Ron Shilon
17 Solo Kayak mens passing wind Chris Spoor
18 Voyageur mens Down Under Dogs Bodo Lenitschek, Ralph Seed
Keith Vis, Caleb Wiles
Grant Davis, Geoff Wright
19 Tandem Kayak mixed Hall or Nothing Olivia Hall, Dan Hall
20 Tandem Canoe mens Round Side Down Tim Lynch, Dave Lewis
21 Solo Kayak womens Powered by Chocolate Janice Mason
22 Voyageur mixed River City Pirates Jamie Arthurs, Joanne Arthurs
Michelle Bourgon, Andrea deJong
Jessica Zimny, Ricardo Sarango
23 Tandem Kayak mixed Black Berta Ilze Plakane, Ugis Gutmanis
24 Tandem Canoe mens The Yukon Project Francis Soenen, Danny Veys
25 Solo Kayak mens Paddling Forward Shawn Corrigan
26 Voyageur mens Interserve London Irish 1 Keith Dorling, Mike Frost
Giles Blessed, Jon Willis
Tim Smith, Andy McKenzie
Chris Field
27 Voyageur mens Interserve London Irish 2 Toby Booth, Justin Bishop
Julian Burnard, Neal Hatley
Anthony Cilia, Gavin Gleave
28 Voyageur mixed The Crazy Gulls and Buoys Alicia Sword, Scotty Imrie
Alex Ferguson, Steve Smith
Shawna Nieraath, Stephen Jaques
29 Solo Canoe open Voyageur Buckaroo Mark Fletcher
30 Tandem Canoe mens Lazing Paddles IX John Little, Craig Corbett
31 Voyageur mixed Skaha ha ha ha Tina Hoeben, Stacey Kemp
Stephan Samoyloff, Andrew MacPhail
Ginette Schirrmeister, Lauren Meads
Ian MacPhail
32 Solo Kayak womens Erinfroglady Erin Giesbrecht
33 Voyageur womens Team Whoa Patricia Clune, Elizabeth Clune
Shelley Gellatly, Tunde Fulop
Noreen Schaefer, Sylvia Anderson
Susan O'Halloran, Susan McDowell
Richelle Chin
34 Tandem Canoe mixed Kiwi Express Helen Currey, Derek Crook
35 Tandem Canoe mixed 6364 Terry Wescott, Ander Thebaud
36 Tandem Kayak womens the Fascinators Martha Taylor, Ali Morham
37 Voyageur mixed Team EcoChallenge HIROMUNE IMAI, Yoko Oda
Kenji Tajima, Chiharu Matsumoto
Kaori Torigai, Toshie Cartier
Yoko Fujiwara
38 Voyageur womens South Pacific Pirates Tanya White, Mary Weaver
Jonnie Swift, Mel Dunn
Maureen O'Neil, Ellen Zyla
39 Tandem Canoe womens MIAPAT Pat McKenna, Mia Lee
40 Tandem Canoe mens Return of the Phoenix Jim Stephen, Dennis Parkhill
41 Solo Kayak mens Yukoneer Dieter Weber
42 Tandem Kayak mens beatsworkin Reuhl lombard, Bertus Rinke
43 Tandem Canoe mixed 15 X O Larry Seethaler, Brenda Forsythe
44 Tandem Canoe mens Kelowna Kanoers Dylan Switzer, David Mcinerney
45 Tandem Canoe mens team x-treme Gaetan Plourde, Ian Mockett
46 Tandem Canoe mixed Currently Confused Steve Ramsay, Karla Ramsay
47 Tandem Kayak mens Folk-in-Clueless Donovan de Beer, Stewart Scott
48 Tandem Canoe mens Moore and Moore Paddling Jeff Moore, Lucas Moore
49 Voyageur womens Paddlers Abreast Linda Rapp, Maralyn Rogers
Stella Martin, Asa Berg
Terry Neis, Dawn Fralick
Ingrid Wilcox, Deb Bartlette
50 Voyageur womens Skirting Disaster Verena Koenig, Veronica Wisniewski
Mary Tipton, Kam Davies
Sharon Colley, Joanie Pelletier
51 Tandem Canoe womens Yahndawa' Tzun Monique Levesque, Pauline Frost
52 Tandem Canoe mens Dawson or Bust David Little, Shane Carritt
53 Solo Canoe open Team Hellbender David Hasenbeck
54 Solo Kayak mens tramp again Seppo Kivioja
55 Voyageur mens Team Such A Blast Leif Calvin, Cyril Derreumaux
Matthew Glerum, Roman Kristl
Daniel Camp, Tony Van Buuren
56 Tandem Canoe mixed Boydes of a Feather Jim Boyde, Pam Boyde
57 Tandem Canoe mens Crazy Heart Connor Landick, Steve Landick
59 Tandem Kayak womens This Ain't No Mirror Pond Pam Stevenson, Karen Holm
60 Tandem Kayak mens Men of Arms Matt Schenck, Justin Wallace
61 Tandem Canoe mens Tédenké Jeremy Staveley, Brock Nicholson
62 Tandem Canoe womens Atlantic Express Abby Lewis, Bev Lewis
63 Solo Kayak womens Asleep At The Paddle Avery Burke
64 Tandem Canoe mens Men of the Midnight Sun Kendall McDonald, Tim Gordon
65 Tandem Canoe mixed Northern Allies Patrick Poulin, Natalie Vachon
66 Solo Kayak mens Slow Un Steady Gary Seed
67 Solo Kayak mens NumbNuts Shaun Thrower
68 Solo Kayak mens The Black Sheep Darran Williams
69 Tandem Canoe mens The Swindon Seaman Jonathan Whelan, Craig Lukins

There are 68 paid-up teams (186 paddlers), 0 part paid teams (0 paddlers)

Team: 1 Nail-by-Nail
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 02:32:35
23rd Overall
5th Solo
5th Solo Kayak
5th Mens Solo Kayak

Robert Ross

Age: 56

Sex: M

From: Kingston, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

I do not have wilderness racing experience (kayak). I have run marathons and have competed marathon races in XCsking (160 kilometers). I have completed several 10 and 14 hour solo (non-stop) kayak tours (with camping), but have never completed an endurance kayak event.

Aims for this race

First. To complete the race comfortably.
Second. To complete under 65 hours

Reasons for entering this race

To compete and meet an exceptional challenge.

Team: 2 PaddleMan
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak


Wilderness Supply Winnipeg, Price Inspection Inc.

Time: 2 days 07:18:07
36th Overall
9th Solo
9th Solo Kayak
8th Mens Solo Kayak

Ben Price

Age: 28

Sex: M

From: Moosehorn, MB, Canada

Biographical Information

Paddled Grass River 2010, Hayes River Route (Norway House to York Factory 630kms) and Lake Manitoba end to end in 2011, lifelong paddler/fisherman/outdoorsman

Aims for this race

To complete the race safely as quickly as possible

Reasons for entering this race

For a new paddling challenge for myself

Team: 3 Outward Bound Canada
..return to top
womens Voyageur
Outward Bound Canada

Official Team Photo from the Start


Outward Bound Canada
Grey Owl Paddles


We are fundraising for Outward Bound's Women of Courage programs. To make a donation for these life-changing programs, please go to www.outwardbound.ca and click on the Canada Helps icon.

Time: 1 day 23:28:05
13th Overall
5th Voyageur
2nd Womens Voyageur

Charlotte Jacklein
Charlotte Jacklein

Age: 31   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Peterborough, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

- 10+ years of wilderness guiding
- Lots of time playing in canoes and kayaks
- Second time doing Yukon River Quest

Aims for this race

- Laugh lots, paddle hard, cross the finish line smiling :)

Reasons for entering this race

- Work with an amazing team of women to raise funds and awareness for Outward Bound's Women of Courage programs

Kat McGlynn
Kat McGlynn

Age: 29

Sex: F

From: Ucluelet, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

No Racing Experience/ 10 Years of wilderness travel, guiding and instruction.

Aims for this race

Hang with awesome women, have an adventure, finish on top!

Reasons for entering this race

Challenge/ Support an amazing program/ be apart of something bigger!

Meg Sheepway
Meg Sheepway

Age: 28

Sex: F

From: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Started when I was 15 yrs old... like to think I haven't stopped since... Nature rules:)

Aims for this race

To not cry more than I laugh:)

Reasons for entering this race

-To work hard while laughing with a canoe full of inspiring women and to raise money for a brilliant cause.

Su Castle
Su Castle

Age: 42

Sex: F

From: Victoria, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Su has always wanted to travel to the Yukon. She loves running, sailing, paddling and wandering through the forests and waters of B.C.

Aims for this race

To do my best. Being strong for myself and my team. To be fully present in the moment.

Reasons for entering this race

To support Outward Bound Canada's Women of Courage programming.

Joanna Sadowski
Joanna Sadowski

Age: 30   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Paddling and playing outside as often as possible. Guiding trips since 2000!
Competed in YRQ 2011.

Aims for this race

To learn from last year's mistakes and finish strong in Dawson City!

Reasons for entering this race

To paddle with an amazing group of women in Canada's beautiful north, while raising funds for Outward Bounds's Women of Courage!

Erin Pehar
Erin Pehar

Age: 31

Sex: F

From: Emsdale, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Canoe tripping since the age of 9 and was addicted from day 1. Currently guide year round. First race!

Aims for this race

Laugh a lot !!

Reasons for entering this race

To support an amazing program, and its been a dream for years.....

Julie Genzel
Julie Genzel

Age: 26

Sex: F

From: Ottawa, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

I think I've spent more time in a tent than my own bed over the last several years...

Aims for this race

Work hard, laugh hard, and appreciate this extraordinary experience.

Reasons for entering this race

Raise funds and awareness for the Women of Courage program.

Shannon Hartwig
Shannon Hartwig

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Kitchener, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Guiding wilderness trips
lots of paddling!

Aims for this race

to appreciate the opportunity for this amazing experience

Reasons for entering this race

To raise awareness and support for the Women of Courage program

Sarah Connolly
Sarah Connolly

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Guelph, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Feels like the last several years i've spent more time squating in the bush then using an actual toilet
(i've been guiding trips for youth in treatment centres for the last 4 years)

Aims for this race

To soak up every aspect of the race; the process leading up to it, the challenges we'll face, my incredible teammates and the beauty of the North!!

Reasons for entering this race

To challenge myself and to raise money for the amazing Women of Courage program

Katie Flynn
Katie Flynn

Age: 36

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

No previous racing experience but lots of experience guiding in and exploring the outdoors.

Aims for this race

Both personal and team accomplishment!

Reasons for entering this race

To support Outward Bound Canada's amazing Women of Courage Programs!

Team: 4 KayakMan
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak


Means International Inc.

Time: 2 days 07:17:42
35th Overall
8th Solo
8th Solo Kayak
7th Mens Solo Kayak

Darwin Wiebe
Darwin Wiebe

Age: 31

Sex: M

From: Altona, MB, Canada

Biographical Information

-630 km kayak to Hudson Bay
-230 km Grass River kayak trip
-various AB/BC whitewater adventures

Aims for this race

Team: 5 Looking4Jamaica
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe

Official Team Photo from the Start

Thu 18:54:15 0.2km before Carmacks -136.2674, 62.1106; status:WITHDRAWN

Paul Adams
Paul Adams

Age: 42   previous races: 2011,2011

Sex: M

From: Whitby, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011 Finisher
Back country canoe trips - Ontario & Quebec

Aims for this race

To learn from last year's mistakes

Reasons for entering this race

To better our time and to visit our YRQ friends

Susan Adams
Susan Adams

Age: 43   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Whitby, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011

Aims for this race

finish in a respectable time

Reasons for entering this race

just for the fun of it

Team: 6 Dharma Bum
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 01:59:14
17th Overall
4th Solo
4th Solo Kayak
4th Mens Solo Kayak

Gus Oliveira
Gus Oliveira

Age: 41   previous races: 2011

Sex: M

From: Saltspring Island, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011, MOMAR 2000,numerous wilderness kayaking trips on the west coast

Aims for this race

To finish

Team: 7 Cedar Strippers
..return to top
womens Tandem Kayak
Cedar Strippers

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 03:59:23
24th Overall
4th Tandem Kayak
2nd Womens Tandem Kayak

Lyndsey Haak

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Kitchener, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Back-country wilderness canoing and backpacking. Canadian Outdoor Leadership Training course

Aims for this race

To finish, see Yukon, attempt to push myself.

Reasons for entering this race

My Mom.

Diane Haak

Age: 50

Sex: F

From: Orillia, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Back-country, wilderness canoeing and backpacking. Kayak paddling on open water (Lake Simcoe, Georgian Bay,...)

Aims for this race

Finish the race under 55hrs.

Reasons for entering this race

Personal challenge.

Team: 8 Boy in a Boat
..return to top
open Solo Canoe


Yukon River Quest in Support of ALS Research:


Time: 2 days 16:20:29
48th Overall
16th Solo
3rd Solo Canoe

Brendan May

Age: 22

Sex: M

From: Mississauga, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Numerous wilderness canoe trips in northern Ontario (whitewater and lakes).

Aims for this race

Not the last to finish.

..return to top
mens Solo Kayak


Peter Grosskurth

Time: 2 days 11:00:03
41st Overall
13th Solo
12th Solo Kayak
10th Mens Solo Kayak

Marc Hebert
Marc Hebert

Age: 38   previous races: 2009

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

YQR 2009
Yukon 360; 2009
River guide

Aims for this race

Have as much fun as the first time!

Reasons for entering this race

Stay off the couch!

Team: 10 Pas de L'on
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
Pas de L'on

Time: 2 days 14:45:36
46th Overall
15th Tandem Canoe
5th Mixed Tandem Canoe

Ryerson Clark

Age: 60   previous races: 2011

Sex: M

From: Mahone Bay, NS, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011
Wilderness paddling in the Northwest Territories. Wilderness and coastal paddling Nova Scotia.
Advanced Medical First Responder.

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race

For fun and to meet great people

Anne Clark

Age: 56   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Mahone Bay, NS, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011
Wilderness paddling in the Northwest Territories. Wilderness and coastal paddling Nova Scotia.
Advanced Medical First Responder.

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race

For fun

Team: 11 Fast Trax
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 22:38:25
53rd Overall
17th Solo
14th Solo Kayak
12th Mens Solo Kayak

John Louis Heudes
John Louis Heudes

Age: 54

Sex: M

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011; Canoe camping, kayaking, hiking,ultra marathoning,mountain biking

Aims for this race

Finish the race and have an enjoyable race.

Team: 12 The Unsinkables
..return to top
mixed Voyageur
The Unsinkables


Our thanks to the Tle’ Nax T’awei Group (Whitehorse Beverages and Foods Division) for keeping us hydrated (Powerade and the Dasani bottled water) We want to thank the Tle’ Nax T’awei Group (Whitehorse Beverages and Foods Division) for keeping us hydrated (Powerade and the Dasani bottled water) http://www.ttlp.com/

Time: 2 days 22:06:59
52nd Overall
13th Voyageur
5th Mixed Voyageur

Ken Mulloy

Age: 80

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Yukon river Whitehorse to Takhinni

Aims for this race

to get to Dawson by Saturday nite

Reasons for entering this race

because its there

Eleanor Mulloy

Age: 46

Sex: F

From: Victoria, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

I have competed in a few adventure races, triathlons and trained for this
race by joining the Gorging Dragons Dragon Boat club in Victoria.

Aims for this race

Enjoy time with family and friends, race with my 80 year old father
and relish in the amazing Yukon scenery (also, my dad said I had to do it...!)

Christine Paradis

Age: 18

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

lived in YT for 32 years

Aims for this race

goal is to finish

Mark Newman

Age: 21

Sex: M

From: Anchorage, AK, United States

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Sierra Van Der Meer

Age: 21

Sex: F

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Margot Neely

Age: 21

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Luigi Zanasi

Age: 55

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Lots of canoeing and boating experience in Quebec, New Brunswick and the Yukon but never in a race.

Aims for this race

To finish.

Reasons for entering this race

Ken (my 80-yr old Yukon godfather) told me to.

Janne Hicklin

Age: 54

Sex: F

From: Calgary, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

In the 23 years I lived in the Yukon, I only ever paddled little bits of the Yukon River close to Whitehorse. Recently I'd been musing about that, and thinking when I come back, I want to spend more time on the beautiful northern rivers. Then the Unsinkables called with this amazing invitation, so this is it!

Aims for this race

To have fun, paddle hard, share the moment and enjoy the team spirit of The Unsinkables.

George Privett

Age: 63

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

recreational paller: Yukon River (Whitehorse to Dawson)
Teslin River, Nisutlin River,
Weaton River, Stewart River,
Southern lakes (Carcross to Whitehorse)
coastal sailboat (Vancouver Island, Desolation Sound, Pr Rupert to Skagway)

Aims for this race

Team of 9, maintain good pace throughout the race.

Team: 13 Lazy Turtle
..return to top
mens Tandem Kayak


Gandrs - Outdoor gear. www.gandrs.lv
GoPro - www.sportakameras.lv

Fri 11:42:49 100.0km from Nowhere -136.5677, 62.8326; status:WITHDRAWN

Oleg Sorokin
Oleg Sorokin

Age: 33

Sex: M

From: Burnaby, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

none kayak racing experience (other racing experience)
wilderness experience (back country skiing, touring, kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing, surfing, cycling, cycling touring )

Aims for this race

not be an anchor for my front seat partner.

Reasons for entering this race


Janis Balodis
Janis Balodis

Age: 30

Sex: M

From: Riga, Latvia | Latvija

Biographical Information

I have ten years of Adventure racing and XC cycling experience. I
started paddling in 2006. Since 2007. I have participated in more than
ten 100km paddling marathons.

Aims for this race

To finish the race in less then 50h

Team: 14 Skinny Blades and Shades
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 06:00:01
28th Overall
7th Solo
7th Solo Kayak
6th Mens Solo Kayak

Scott Kerby
Scott Kerby

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Canoeing and kayaking trips- Yukon, Alaska, Ontario, Quebec, Georgia, Florida

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race

Always wanted to paddle to Dawson; enjoy the challenge of endurance events.

Team: 15 The Austrian
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Thu 13:47:18 8.3km past Carmacks -136.2634, 62.1187; status:WITHDRAWN

Heinz Rodinger
Heinz Rodinger

Age: 71   previous races: 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: M

From: Gramastetten, Austria | Österreich

Biographical Information

YRQ 11 times, Murrey River Marathon, Devizes to Westminster, ACR

Aims for this race

Team: 16 tera santa isreal
..return to top
mens Tandem Kayak
tera santa isreal


Ron's sponsors:
Oakley sunglasses<br>Polar watches

Thu 04:09:40 0.3km past Big Salmon -134.922, 61.8785; status:WITHDRAWN

Alon Peled

Age: 48

Sex: M

From: HOD HASHARON, Israel | إسرائيل | ישראל

Biographical Information

Ironman Swiss
Three Peaks Yacht Race England
Kayak Paddling Cyprus Isreal
5 day canoe trip Algonquin Park Canada

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race


Ron Shilon
Ron Shilon

Age: 48

Sex: M

From: Tel Aviv, Israel, Israel | إسرائيل | ישראל

Biographical Information

UTMB 100mile race
UTMB 60mile race
3 Peaks Australia
Corsica Raid
Verbier St.Bernard 70mile race
7 Ironman finisher
many marathons and many more races

Aims for this race

3 days before this race, I am competing in WS 100 mile race
My aim - to enjoy training for both races

Reasons for entering this race

Always looking for something new and big

Team: 17 passing wind
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 1 day 21:06:21
6th Overall
1st Solo
1st Solo Kayak
1st Mens Solo Kayak

Chris Spoor
Chris Spoor

Age: 29   previous races: 2009,2010,2011

Sex: M

From: Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

YQR 2009, 2010, 2011
lots of camping trips

Aims for this race


Team: 18 Down Under Dogs
..return to top
mens Voyageur
Down Under Dogs

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 1 day 17:51:35
1st Overall
1st Voyageur
1st Mens Voyageur

Bodo Lenitschek

Age: 47   previous races: 2008

Sex: M

From: Caravonica, QLD, Australia

Biographical Information

2008 mixed tandem canoe Yukon River Quest. 300 Outrigger Canoe races. 18 years of wilderness whitewater guiding and paddling. Numerous forst decents in Australia.

Aims for this race

To finish in one piece

Reasons for entering this race

An adventure and something different for our 6 man team that usually paddles outriggers in the tropics.

Ralph Seed

Age: 52

Sex: M

From: Whitfield, QLD, Australia

Biographical Information

Paddling Outrigger for 20 years. Current Australian OC2 Champion.
Camped in Motorhome 2 nights.

Aims for this race

Exploring the Yukon Wilderness. Finish in the top 10.

Reasons for entering this race

Bodo Said it was a good idea. Challenge myself

Keith Vis

Age: 57

Sex: M

From: Holloways Beach, QLD, Australia

Biographical Information

6 years outrigger. Current Australian OC2 Champion. Marlin Coast Challenge.

Aims for this race

To finish in good condition and give hard time to 5 team mates

Reasons for entering this race

Haven't been to Canada before. Bodo said it was a great race. Enjoy pushing the limits.

Caleb Wiles

Age: 41

Sex: M

From: Edgehill, Australia

Biographical Information

2 years of Outrigger paddling. Camped and trekking.

Aims for this race

To not pass out. Finish and still be able to walk.

Reasons for entering this race

Like a challenge and Bodo talked me into it

Grant Davis

Age: 57

Sex: M

From: Edgehill, QLD, Australia

Biographical Information

Molokai. Current Hamilton Island OC1 record holder. 17 years Outrigger experience. Kayaked in Antartic. Wilderness camping trips on east coast Queensland.

Aims for this race

To finish with the team, respectable time.

Reasons for entering this race

Explore the wilderness of northern Canada. Experience of competing in the longest canoe race.

Geoff Wright

Age: 56

Sex: M

From: Trinity Beach, QLD, Australia

Biographical Information

Mostly open ocean 6 man outrigger canoe racing

Aims for this race

Experience a long distance endurance race in a different canoe type.

Team: 19 Hall or Nothing
..return to top
mixed Tandem Kayak
Hall or Nothing

Official Team Photo from the Start

Thu 17:01:35 8.2km past Carmacks -136.2648, 62.1177; status:WITHDRAWN

Olivia Hall

Age: 25

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Multiple recreational river and lake trips in Northern Ontario. Long distance hiking and backpacking

Aims for this race

To still be talking to my brother when we finish the race.

Dan Hall

Age: 31

Sex: M

From: Burton-On-Trent, South Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

My car broke down once and I had to wait almost 35 minutes for the RAC in near freezing conditions. Also,recreational lake and sea kayaking, back country hiking and camping.

Aims for this race

To still be able to endure listening to my sister when we finish the race.

Team: 20 Round Side Down
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Round Side Down

Time: 1 day 19:18:48
4th Overall
1st Tandem Canoe
1st Mens Tandem Canoe

Tim Lynch

Age: 40

Sex: M

From: Faro, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Marathon canoe racing &amp; wilderness canoe trips

Aims for this race

Challenge myself... and finish in Dawson City

Reasons for entering this race

A unique Yukon experience

Dave Lewis
Dave Lewis

Age: 50

Sex: M

From: Milton, NS, Canada

Biographical Information

General Clinton and La Classique twice each.

Aims for this race

to participate in a world class event

Reasons for entering this race

for the challenge and to see some great country

Team: 21 Powered by Chocolate
..return to top
womens Solo Kayak
Powered by Chocolate

Official Photo from the Start


Woodwynn Farms at www.woodwynnfarms.org

Time: 2 days 04:57:43
27th Overall
6th Solo
6th Solo Kayak
1st Womens Solo Kayak

Janice Mason
Janice Mason

Age: 52   previous races: 2010

Sex: F

From: Victoria, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2010

Aims for this race

FINISH; Have fun and to stay awake/upright

Reasons for entering this race

Raced YRQ 2010 in tandem and want to complete in single - I loved the Yukon last time and can't wait to be back

Team: 22 River City Pirates
..return to top
mixed Voyageur
River City Pirates

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 06:03:20
29th Overall
8th Voyageur
2nd Mixed Voyageur

Jamie Arthurs

Age: 28   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011

Aims for this race

To not have my crew members commit mutiny and make me walk the plank.

Reasons for entering this race

I had a dream that our team crossed the finish line in 17 hours.... I guess we will have to see if that comes true!

Joanne Arthurs

Age: 32

Sex: F

From: Calgary, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

No racing experience, unless you count sailing. I have spent some time in the wilderness. some planned, some not.

Aims for this race

To finish with a competitive spirit and hopefully a smile. and I really wouldn't mind placing in the top 3 of our class.

Reasons for entering this race

I really wanted to last year, but timing and logistics seemed to get in my way. Not this year though! Bring it on!

Michelle Bourgon

Age: 32

Sex: F

From: Spruce Grove, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

Running, Triathalon, whitewater rafting, paddling on lakes, hiking.

Aims for this race

Finish strong, be competitive, regret nothing!

Reasons for entering this race

I don't have a bucket list yet, but this needs to go on it!

Andrea deJong

Age: 32

Sex: F

From: Spruce Grove, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

Total newbie. Bit of recreational paddling, minimal search and rescue training, heaps of naivete!

Aims for this race

Finish in sub-55 hours, with a pulse.

Reasons for entering this race

To experience the Yukon and bond with the fiercest crew of lady-pirates!

Jessica Zimny

Age: 26

Sex: F

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

I've participated in a few leisurely canoe trips and love the outdoors. I hope that's enough to get me through the River Quest.

Aims for this race

Hopefully to place in top 3 in our category and still have everyone smiling on our team when we cross the finish line!

Reasons for entering this race

I was asked to join a team and thought why not? I'm always up for a good challenge.

Ricardo Sarango

Age: 30

Sex: M

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

I'm always the first one to call shotgun and when I don't shower for
a few days I look like a Yeti.

Aims for this race

I want to finish and make a Toe-st...

Reasons for entering this race

I've always wondered what would happen if I was trapped with five
women and couldn't escape.

Team: 23 Black Berta
..return to top
mixed Tandem Kayak
Black Berta


Gandrs - Outdoor gear. www.gandrs.lv
GoPro - www.sportakameras.lv

Time: 1 day 23:22:44
12th Overall
3rd Tandem Kayak
1st Mixed Tandem Kayak

Ilze Plakane
Ilze Plakane

Age: 30   previous races: 2008

Sex: F

From: Riga, Latvia | Latvija

Biographical Information

YRQ 2008

Aims for this race

To improve our time and to be happy at the finish.

Ugis Gutmanis
Ugis Gutmanis

Age: 42   previous races: 2008

Sex: M

From: Salaspils, Latvia | Latvija

Biographical Information

YRQ 2008

Aims for this race

No to fall asleep in the boat; to improve our time.

Team: 24 The Yukon Project
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
The Yukon Project

Official Team Photo from the Start


Canoe and kayakcenter - Wachtebeke
University of Arts and Design - Sint Lukas Brussels

Time: 2 days 06:39:49
34th Overall
12th Tandem Canoe
6th Mens Tandem Canoe

Francis Soenen

Age: 42

Sex: M

From: Roeselare, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | België | Belgique | Belgien

Biographical Information

Channel Crossing between UK and France in tandem canoe
Paddled already the Wind River and the Snake River (Yukon)
Bushwhacking trip from Big Kalzas Lake to Mayo (Yukon)
Different multi-day canoe trips in Europe

Aims for this race

To finish

Danny Veys

Age: 41

Sex: M

From: Marke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | België | Belgique | Belgien

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Team: 25 Paddling Forward
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak
Paddling Forward

Time: 1 day 23:28:11
14th Overall
3rd Solo
3rd Solo Kayak
3rd Mens Solo Kayak

Shawn Corrigan

Age: 36   previous races: 2009,2010

Sex: M

From: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Biographical Information

*17 years experience as Wildland Firefighter.
*Many wilderness paddling trips.
*YRQ racer in 2009 and 2010.

Aims for this race

Improve my performance.

Reasons for entering this race

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Team: 26 Interserve London Irish 1
..return to top
mens Voyageur
Interserve London Irish 1


Help for Heroes - a charity formed to help those who have been wounded in Britain's current conflicts.

Our fundraising page is:

Time: 2 days 06:31:23
31st Overall
10th Voyageur
3rd Mens Voyageur

Keith Dorling
Keith Dorling

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: Windlesham, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

History of rowing competitions over short and long distances.

Aims for this race

To complete in the top ten.

Reasons for entering this race

The opportunity to complete a once in a lifetime event for charity.

Mike Frost
Mike Frost

Age: 39

Sex: M

From: Alcester, United Kingdom

Biographical Information


Aims for this race

To raise money for Help for Heroes and complete it

Reasons for entering this race

Unique opportunity to provide benefit while satisfying personal ambition.

Giles Blessed
Giles Blessed

Age: 33

Sex: M

From: Harrogate, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Various sea kayaking trips, UK and europe. Lots of sea trips on beautiful Yorkshire coastline. 70% circumnavigation of Isle of Wight - I'll be back! Paddled 278km River Thames. Few whitewater river trips
Courses on self/group rescue, REC2 First Aid, Coastal NAV

Aims for this race

To finish! Enjoy it, and take everthing I can from the amazing experience.

Reasons for entering this race

Raise a money for Help for Heroes; this one's been on the bucket list for a while

Jon Willis

Age: 30

Sex: M

From: Haywards Heath, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Nothing on the water!!

Aims for this race

To complete as a team a beat the boys from London Irish.

Reasons for entering this race

A great life experience, always up for a challenge, these old boys need me.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: Harrogate, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

No previous paddling experience. Years of outdoor experience including long distance walking. Several marathons under belt.

Aims for this race

Finish. Be a valued member of the team on the river. Experience the beauty and wilderness of the Yukon. Raise a large sum of money for Help For Heroes and have fun doing it.

Reasons for entering this race

There are some things that when you see them you say to yourself "I just have to do that!" The YRQ is simply one of those events.

Andy McKenzie
Andy McKenzie

Age: 36

Sex: M

From: Haywards Heath, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Nothing on the water!!

Aims for this race

To complete as a team and beat the boys from London Irish (H4H2)

Reasons for entering this race

A completely new challenge as I normally compete in land based events; equally I never knew the distance and said yes....

Chris Field
Chris Field

Age: 56

Sex: M

From: High Wycomber, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

2010 - 150km open canoe paddle, River Thames. 2005 - sub 24hr UK 3 peaks challenge.

Aims for this race

To raise as much money as possible for Help for Heroes. To arrive in one piece! To leave it all on the river!

Reasons for entering this race

Caught unawares whilst under the influence of alcohol! I'm also always up for a physical challenge and for raising money for a fantastic cause.

Team: 27 Interserve London Irish 2
..return to top
mens Voyageur
Interserve London Irish 2


Help for Heroes - a charity formed to help those who have been wounded in Britain's current conflicts.

Our fundraising page is:

Thu 18:51:19 0.1km before Carmacks -136.2669, 62.1114; status:WITHDRAWN

Toby Booth
Toby Booth

Age: 42

Sex: M

From: Teddington, United Kingdom

Biographical Information


Aims for this race

To finish!!!

Reasons for entering this race

Charity/personal challenge

Justin Bishop
Justin Bishop

Age: 37

Sex: M

From: Ardingly, United Kingdom

Biographical Information


Aims for this race

To finish

Reasons for entering this race

Fund raising

Julian Burnard
Julian Burnard

Age: 43

Sex: M

From: Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Ex Royal Marine. BCU Level 5 Canoe Coach, full time canoe coach and guide. Solo expedition paddler. Completed Devizes to Westminster 4 times.

Aims for this race

To finish whilst enjoying myself

Reasons for entering this race

The challenge

Neal Hatley
Neal Hatley

Age: 42

Sex: M

From: Sunbury-On-Thames, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race

Support a fantastic charity. Help people who put their lives at risk to protect us/challenge myself. To finish without whacking Bishy with a paddle.

Anthony Cilia
Anthony Cilia

Age: 57

Sex: M

From: Weybridge, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Raft and Kayak Lower Zambezi/Zambia/Zimbabwe

Aims for this race

To finish with the best time for a UK team.

Reasons for entering this race

For a good charity and personal/team challenge

Gavin Gleave
Gavin Gleave

Age: 45

Sex: M

From: Crawley Down, United Kingdom

Biographical Information


Aims for this race

Complete as quickly as possible

Reasons for entering this race

Raise money for a worthy cause

Team: 28 The Crazy Gulls and Buoys
..return to top
mixed Voyageur
The Crazy Gulls and Buoys

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 14:20:25
44th Overall
11th Voyageur
3rd Mixed Voyageur

Alicia Sword

Age: 26

Sex: F

From: Barrie, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Some canoe, lots of camping and hiking

Aims for this race

To Finish and have an Epic Adventure

Scotty Imrie

Age: 28

Sex: M

From: London, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Long distance hiking, Backpacking, Mountain climbing

Aims for this race

Have fun and make it to the end.

Reasons for entering this race

To take on a new challenge and see what the yukon has in store for us

Alex Ferguson

Age: 25

Sex: M

From: Exeter, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Camped all my life, was a guide/outfitter/canoe deliverer in Algonquin park for 2 seasons.

Aims for this race

Have fun meet some interesting people.

Steve Smith

Age: 26

Sex: M

From: Colborne, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Been Outdoors my whole life for the most part. I even do this kinda stuff for work.

Aims for this race

Have a good time doing something I've never done some place I've never been.

Reasons for entering this race

Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Shawna Nieraath

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Anchorage, AK, United States

Biographical Information

Some camping, cross-country skiing, hiking, exploring in backcountry areas.

Aims for this race

To finish, to have fun, to enjoy an epic journey.

Reasons for entering this race

Why the heck not?

Stephen Jaques

Age: 41

Sex: M

From: Mississauga, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

I have been doing back country canoe trips for 30+years &amp; have done several solo trips. I have never done a race before

Aims for this race

to have a great experience &amp; finish the race

Reasons for entering this race

I was invited as a fill in &amp; really could not pass on such a great oppurtunity to do what looks to be a great trip somewhere that I have never been.

Team: 29 Voyageur Buckaroo
..return to top
open Solo Canoe



Time: 2 days 09:41:35
39th Overall
11th Solo
1st Solo Canoe

Mark Fletcher

Age: 54   previous races: 2011

Sex: M

From: Haines Junction, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ - 2011
Big Salmon River, 10day solo, 2011
Teslin/Yukon River, 10 day solo, 2012
Some other stuff, too

Aims for this race

Start healthy, improve by 10 hrs

Reasons for entering this race

For the Rest and Relaxation

Team: 30 Lazing Paddles IX
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Lazing Paddles IX

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 16:27:41
49th Overall
17th Tandem Canoe
9th Mens Tandem Canoe

John Little

Age: 53   previous races: 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: M

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2004-2011

Aims for this race

Finish in respectable time.

Craig Corbett

Age: 34

Sex: M

From: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

very little. lots of cross-country running!

Aims for this race

to finish in a respectable time.

Team: 31 Skaha ha ha ha
..return to top
mixed Voyageur
Skaha ha ha ha

Time: 1 day 22:34:48
8th Overall
4th Voyageur
1st Mixed Voyageur

Tina Hoeben
Tina Hoeben

Age: 49

Sex: F

From: Penticton, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

10 years of outrigger canoeing experience.
A few adventure races.
A few Ironmans.

Aims for this race

Finish with a smile.

Reasons for entering this race

It sounds incredible.

Stacey Kemp
Stacey Kemp

Age: 49

Sex: F

From: Penticton, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Numerous outrigger canoe races in Canada and the USA
The odd running race :)

Aims for this race

To finish with a big smile on my face!

Reasons for entering this race

What an incredible way to see an amazing part of our country

Stephan Samoyloff

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: Penticton, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

many adventure races in Canada, Australia, Guam, a few Ironmans

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race

Sounds awesome in good country

Andrew MacPhail

Age: 48

Sex: M

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Ginette Schirrmeister
Ginette Schirrmeister

Age: 48

Sex: F

From: Penticton, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Some Outrigger Racing experience

Aims for this race

To finish with a great team and maybe even with a smile

Reasons for entering this race

to add some adventure to my life and make this quest a beginning to many more....

Lauren Meads

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Oliver, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Have been paddling Outrigger Canoes for 13 years. Competed in Outrigger races in Hawaii and British Columbia.

Aims for this race

To finish with a good time, a smile, good friends and great memories.

Reasons for entering this race

To push my paddling skills to the limit, to accomplish something truly unforgettable and to see the beautiful landscape and wildlife of the Yukon.

Ian MacPhail

Age: 49

Sex: M

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Team: 32 Erinfroglady
..return to top
womens Solo Kayak


Pipe Dreams Plumbing (Entry fees)


I am working with Autism Yukon to hopefully raise awareness and possible money for this amazing non profit. Will let you know what we figure out.

Fri 07:59:53 1.7km before Minto -136.849, 62.5823; status:WITHDRAWN

Erin Giesbrecht
Erin Giesbrecht

Age: 33

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

In the last 3 years I have paddled obsessively. I frequently paddle solo on the Yukon river and the Tahkini River.

Aims for this race

Compete to complete!

Reasons for entering this race

Challenging myself to push farther, and going the distance in preparation for paddling the entire River System from Bennett to the Bering Sea in 2013 or 2014.

Team: 33 Team Whoa
..return to top
womens Voyageur
Team Whoa

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 06:27:38
30th Overall
9th Voyageur
5th Womens Voyageur

Patricia Clune

Age: 55   previous races: 2003,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

many YRQ races

Aims for this race

To enjoy the wonderful cameraderie in the boat, learn to paddle properly as I promised Noreen I would and to arrive in Dawson City before last call at Klondike Kate's!

Elizabeth Clune

Age: 54

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ race a handful of times

Aims for this race

Paddle well and hard; celebrate being on the river and enjoy being with friends

Reasons for entering this race

it's a great way to kick off the summer!

Shelley Gellatly

Age: 48   previous races: 2004,2007,2008,2009,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Aims for this race


Tunde Fulop

Age: 46   previous races: 2004,2005,2006,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information


Aims for this race

do better than last year???

Reasons for entering this race

hang out with my girlfriends

Noreen Schaefer

Age: 48   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Carcross, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

2 River quest; extensive extended wilderness paddling excursions

Aims for this race

to finish tired and happy

Reasons for entering this race

to be with a great group of women

Sylvia Anderson

Age: 50   previous races: 2005,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Participated in many races &amp; extensive wilderness experience including Yukon River Quest 4 times

Aims for this race

Have fun &amp; finish happy!

Susan O'Halloran

Age: 55

Sex: F

From: Toronto, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

7 years on Team Whoa in the Yukon River Quest, and we're still coming back!

Aims for this race

Strong arms, strong friendships, finish singing.

Susan McDowell

Age: 56   previous races: 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Markham, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2006-2012

Aims for this race

Have fun and finish smiling

Reasons for entering this race

to be with great friends!

Richelle Chin

Age: 20

Sex: F

From: North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

To finish the race, learn how to paddle, have fun, and make friends with all the women in my boat!

Reasons for entering this race

It is a great opportunity for a new experience I'm sure I will never forget.

Team: 34 Kiwi Express
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
Kiwi Express

Official Team Photo from the Start

Thu 08:59:28 1.4km before Carmacks -136.2454, 62.1188; status:WITHDRAWN

Helen Currey

Age: 40   previous races: 2008

Sex: F

From: Victoria, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

-OC1 &amp; OC6 Racing
-Marathon Canoe Racing
-Round Bowen Is Race 2005 32km
-YRQ 2008
-Member Canadian Outrigger Sprint Team 2008,2010
-Member Canadian Outrigger Pailolo change Race Team 2010
-Member Canadian Molokai change Race Team 2010
-Member of Hamilton Island(Australia) Cup Team,Comox Canucks,2010

Aims for this race

-To finish,hopefully injury free!!
-To challenge myself as an athlete and paddler and grow from the experience
-To be a fun,competitive, helpful team mate
-To enjoy the scenery
-To achieve the goals set as a team

Reasons for entering this race

The challenge!!!

Derek Crook

Age: 55   previous races: 2004,2005,2007,2008,2009

Sex: M

From: Parksville, NB, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 5X , solo kayak inside passage ,Van. isl, Queen Charlottes,Panama, Tasmania.

Aims for this race


Team: 35 6364
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 01:24:49
16th Overall
5th Tandem Canoe
1st Mixed Tandem Canoe

Terry Wescott

Age: 63   previous races: 2007,2008,2009

Sex: M

From: Thondike, ME, United States

Biographical Information

yukon river quest 3
yukon 1000 1
gen. clinton 70 8
aroostook 60 2
penobscot 50 6
52 years whitewater racing

Aims for this race

finnish win finnish

Reasons for entering this race

because we are still alive and can

Ander Thebaud

Age: 46

Sex: F

From: Mount Desert, ME, United States

Biographical Information

gen clinton 8
Aroostik River 60 3
border to border 2
20 years canoe racing

Aims for this race

finnish ahead of partner

Reasons for entering this race

Where's Chippy?

Team: 36 the Fascinators
..return to top
womens Tandem Kayak
the Fascinators

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 1 day 23:04:44
10th Overall
2nd Tandem Kayak
1st Womens Tandem Kayak

Martha Taylor

Age: 42   previous races: 2010

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information


Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race


Ali Morham

Age: 48   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information


Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race


Team: 37 Team EcoChallenge
..return to top
mixed Voyageur
Team EcoChallenge

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 18:10:37
50th Overall
12th Voyageur
4th Mixed Voyageur


Age: 48   previous races: 2007,2011

Sex: M

From: Tokyo, Japan | 日本

Biographical Information

YRQ2007(tandemKayak finish)
YRQ2011(singlekayak finish)

Aims for this race

I would like to pull together all together and to
carry out completeness to a 2012YRQ Race.

Yoko Oda

Age: 33

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

No experience racing. camping but not canoe trip.

Aims for this race

Challenge myself and challenge with friends. Also have great time with people.

Kenji Tajima

Age: 42

Sex: M

From: Hayama machi mura gun, Japan | 日本

Biographical Information

finished three Adventure racing (Malaysia Borneo '94,South Africa '97, Patagonia '99).
6 years experience of rafting guide in Japan.

Aims for this race

This will be my first Yukon River Quest, so I would like to enjoy the race, and hope not having any trouble and all team members survive and finish race!

Chiharu Matsumoto

Age: 30

Sex: M

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Kaori Torigai

Age: 39

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

No paddling racing experience; short paddling trips (2-5 days), rafting trips (8-10 days), many camping/hiking trips, working at exploration camps and fly-in camps in remote settings

Aims for this race

My aim is to complete the race, challenge myself and have a good time.

Toshie Cartier

Age: 36

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

This is my first canoeing trip
Aims for this race:make it to the goal

Aims for this race

I want to have fun with friends

Yoko Fujiwara

Age: 30

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Team: 38 South Pacific Pirates
..return to top
womens Voyageur
South Pacific Pirates

The South Pacific Pirates getting ready for the first of their Trilogy.. the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic. Sydney Australia


South Pacific Pirates support Beyond Blue, the Australian National Depression Initiative.

Time: 2 days 02:24:35
21st Overall
7th Voyageur
4th Womens Voyageur

Tanya White
Tanya White

Age: 39

Sex: F

From: Concord, NSW, Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km
Oxfam Trailwalker 100km
Australian Dragon Boat Team

Aims for this race

See a new part of the world doing what I love.. paddling, sharing time with good friends, and pushing myself to new limits...I have just a small competitive spirit so a good result would be the icing on the cake!

Reasons for entering this race

It's on the bucket list!

Mary Weaver
Mary Weaver

Age: 42

Sex: F

From: Concord, NSW, Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km
Cook Islands Outrigger Racing
Australian Dragon Boat Team

Aims for this race

Enjoy experiencing a new part of the world on a journey with great friends.. and to complete the race in the best time we can..

Reasons for entering this race

I love the challenge of pushing myself to new limits and finding out what I can do!

Jonnie Swift
Jonnie Swift

Age: 47

Sex: F

From: Croydon, NSW, Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km

Aims for this race

Mel Dunn
Mel Dunn

Age: 37

Sex: F

From: Bateau Bay, NSW, Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km
Cook Islands Outrigger Racing
Australian Dragon Boat Team

Aims for this race

Maureen O'Neil
Maureen O'Neil

Age: 54

Sex: F

From: , Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km
Australian Dragon Boat Team

Aims for this race

Ellen Zyla
Ellen Zyla

Age: 29

Sex: F

From: Croydon, NSW, Australia

Biographical Information

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic 110km
Murray River Marathon 440km

Aims for this race

Team: 39 MIAPAT
..return to top
womens Tandem Canoe

Time: 2 days 02:29:15
22nd Overall
8th Tandem Canoe
2nd Womens Tandem Canoe

Pat McKenna

Age: 57   previous races: 2002,2004,2007,2008

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

360 X all
wilderness paddling

Aims for this race

Be at one with the water without falling in; paddle fast, paddle hard, paddle smooth.

Reasons for entering this race

Another challenge; the thrill of racing; the discipline of training

Mia Lee

Age: 50   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

360 X 1
many wilderness trips, including instructing for Outward Bound

Aims for this race

To finish with no injuries, to push myself and enjoy the challenge of being in a race.

Reasons for entering this race

I love the challenge!
The route is spectacular.
To be competitive within women's C2

Team: 40 Return of the Phoenix
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Return of the Phoenix

Official Team Photo from the Start


Norvista Developments Ltd.

Thu 11:37:02 1.3km before Little Salmon -135.6556, 62.0537; status:WITHDRAWN

Jim Stephen

Age: 65   previous races: 2006,2007,2008

Sex: M

From: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

2006, 2007, 2008 YRQ and various
recreational canoe trips in the Yukon

Aims for this race

To improve on 2008 time and enjoy the experience.

Dennis Parkhill

Age: 62

Sex: M

From: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

2006, 2007, 2008 YRQ and various
recreational canoe trips in the Yukon

Aims for this race

To improve on 2008 time, and
enjoy the adventure.

Team: 41 Yukoneer
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak


Supporting me already on my first trip down the Yukon the guys from www.tritonadvanced.com were a big help this time again.
Special thanks to Steffen Sator :-).

Time: 2 days 13:38:38
42nd Overall
14th Solo
13th Solo Kayak
11th Mens Solo Kayak

Dieter Weber
Dieter Weber

Age: 46

Sex: M

From: Gundelfingen, Germany | Deutschland

Biographical Information

Paddled the Yukon from Lake Bennett to the Bering Sea in 2009 :-)

Aims for this race

carry my own (folding) kayak and to cross the fishing line with Erin and a smile :-).

Reasons for entering this race

to paddle with friend(s)

Team: 42 beatsworkin
..return to top
mens Tandem Kayak

Time: 1 day 22:54:22
9th Overall
1st Tandem Kayak
1st Mens Tandem Kayak

Reuhl lombard
Reuhl lombard

Age: 52

Sex: M

From: Witbank, South Africa | Suid-Afrika

Biographical Information

numerous long distance river races south africa / wilderness trail running

Aims for this race

finish well

Reasons for entering this race

challenge /fun/bucket list

Bertus Rinke
Bertus Rinke

Age: 57

Sex: M

From: Bullhead City, AZ, United States

Biographical Information

long distance all major rivers south africa/marathon races colarado

Aims for this race

finish well

Reasons for entering this race

Lifetime dream

Team: 43 15 X O
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
15 X O

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 04:24:09
26th Overall
10th Tandem Canoe
3rd Mixed Tandem Canoe

Larry Seethaler

Age: 69   previous races: 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: M

From: Anchorage, AK, United States

Biographical Information

Finished all previous YRQs.
Yukon 1000
Dyea to Dawson 1997 &amp; 1998

Aims for this race

Finish like in years past.

Brenda Forsythe

Age: 54   previous races: 2001,2002,2004,2006,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Anchorage, AK, United States

Biographical Information

Nine previous YRQs
Yukon 1000
Dyea to Dawson 1998

Aims for this race

Paddle well and finish happy.

Team: 44 Kelowna Kanoers
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Kelowna Kanoers

Official Team Photo from the Start


Health Focus Rehabilitation

Time: 1 day 23:12:49
11th Overall
3rd Tandem Canoe
3rd Mens Tandem Canoe

Dylan Switzer

Age: 30   previous races: 2011

Sex: M

From: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011

Aims for this race


David Mcinerney

Age: 27   previous races: 2011

Sex: M

From: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011

Aims for this race


Team: 45 team x-treme
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
team x-treme

Official Team Photo from the Start

Thu 21:39:02 0.1km before Carmacks -136.2674, 62.1107; status:WITHDRAWN

Gaetan Plourde

Age: 38   previous races: 2006,2009,2010,2011

Sex: M

From: Perth, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ x 4

Aims for this race


Reasons for entering this race


Ian Mockett

Age: 39   previous races: 2008,2011

Sex: M

From: Stittsville, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 08 and 11

Aims for this race

Dawson before last call

Reasons for entering this race

For the challenge and camaraderie

Team: 46 Currently Confused
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
Currently Confused

Steve and Karla are holding the paddles, Brent Howard and Brooke Ramsay, support crew.

Time: 2 days 08:12:52
38th Overall
13th Tandem Canoe
4th Mixed Tandem Canoe

Steve Ramsay

Age: 50

Sex: M

From: High River, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

wilderness experience, fishing trips. Edmonton to The Pas some years ago.

Aims for this race

At the start line Wednesday: fit, ready and confident. At the finish line Saturday afternoon: exhausted but proud.

Reasons for entering this race

Enjoy the wilderness and celebrate 25 years of marriage

Karla Ramsay

Age: 45

Sex: F

From: High River, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

Wilderness experience, day trips

Aims for this race

To enjoy the view, paddle strong, celebrate the ability to do it and cross the finish line with joy.

Reasons for entering this race

To celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss! And to see the true north!

Team: 47 Folk-in-Clueless
..return to top
mens Tandem Kayak

Thu 15:53:33 0.3km past Little Salmon -135.6858, 62.0521; status:WITHDRAWN

Donovan de Beer
Donovan de Beer

Age: 36

Sex: M

From: Port Moody, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Some wilderness experience but nothing that compares to this.

Aims for this race

Finish and have a great time doing it.

Reasons for entering this race

Sounds like a serious challenge

Stewart Scott
Stewart Scott

Age: 44

Sex: M

From: Twickenham, Middlesex, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

hiking, marathon running

Aims for this race

Have a great time and finish

Reasons for entering this race


Team: 48 Moore and Moore Paddling
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Moore and Moore Paddling

I'm on the left, he's the one on the right

Time: 2 days 14:09:49
43rd Overall
14th Tandem Canoe
7th Mens Tandem Canoe

Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore

Age: 50

Sex: M

From: Kanata, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Various canoe tripping, kayaking

Aims for this race

Make it to the finish line sane and without hitting Lucas (my son) over the head with a paddle :) Not getting chased by a bear would be a real plus as well.

Reasons for entering this race

Always wanted to do the river trip from Whitehorse to Dawson and it's a great chance to get back to the Yukon.
Follow us on twitter at: mooreandmoore88

Lucas Moore
Lucas Moore

Age: 18

Sex: M

From: Kanata, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

A few 2 weeks and a Month long canoe trips,
an 8 hour adventure triathlon.

Aims for this race

Finish the race in the allocated amount of time and get my own bear story.

Reasons for entering this race

To push my limits, and to go on an awesome adventure with my dad.

Team: 49 Paddlers Abreast
..return to top
womens Voyageur
Paddlers Abreast

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 02:16:44
19th Overall
6th Voyageur
3rd Womens Voyageur

Linda Rapp

Age: 56   previous races: 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2009,2010

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

10 yrs YRQ
Other Yukon and Saskatchewan Rivers

Aims for this race

To arrive in Dawson proud of our best team effort and a healthy, happy crew

Reasons for entering this race

I love the comraderie of this race and the satisfaction of seeing women get strong and confident through the training. The hope and encouragement we signify to others facing breast cancer or any other life challenges makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

Maralyn Rogers

Age: 60   previous races: 2008,2009,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

2008-11 Yukon River Quest

Aims for this race

To get to Dawson in good spirits and having a great/fast race.

Reasons for entering this race

I just love it!!

Stella Martin

Age: 21

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Asa Berg

Age: 21   previous races: 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Terry Neis

Age: 54   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Raced with Paddler's Abreast in YRQ last year

Aims for this race

to enjoy myself and finish with a smile on my face

Dawn Fralick

Age: 61   previous races: 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

This is YRQ #10 with Paddlers Abreast

Aims for this race

enjoy the river, make good time, stay healthy, encourage others

Reasons for entering this race

Continue supporting breast cancer initiatives; model active post-treatment lifestyle for breast cancer survivors; honor those who did not survive

Ingrid Wilcox

Age: 64   previous races: 2000,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

10 times solo YRQ
1 time with Paddlers Abreast

Aims for this race

For us to get to Dawson healthy, happy, and in great form, style and speed!!

Reasons for entering this race

It's great fun, a challenge, and a chance to be with a bunch of terrific ladies cruising down the river!!

Deb Bartlette

Age: 21   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: , --

Biographical Information

Aims for this race

Team: 50 Skirting Disaster
..return to top
womens Voyageur

Time: 1 day 18:50:46
3rd Overall
3rd Voyageur
1st Womens Voyageur

Verena Koenig
Verena Koenig

Age: 28   previous races: 2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Two YRQ's, and the other usual fun Yukon events (Bikerelay, Runningrelay, Arctic Ultra 100miler!

Aims for this race

Have fun, paddle hard, enjoy and laugh, laugh and laugh

Veronica Wisniewski
Veronica Wisniewski

Age: 21   previous races: 2006,2007,2009

Sex: F

From: , WA, United States

Biographical Information

extended canoe trips in north america, own C2 Women's record with Liz Bozeley

Aims for this race

Enjoy the time in a fast boat with good team mates

Mary Tipton
Mary Tipton

Age: 50

Sex: F

From: , TX, United States

Biographical Information

texas water safari twice, colorado river race, and other fun crazy stuff what takes a long time and involves a lot of mental and physical challenges

Aims for this race

to enjoy the fellowship
of her new friends I met last year while
I was supporting the Texans, to experience the spectacular scenery of the Yukon River and to be part of a very competitive all‐women Voyageur team.

Kam Davies
Kam Davies

Age: 21   previous races: 2007,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: , YT, Canada

Biographical Information

participated three times in the YRQ, and other wild and fun stuff

Aims for this race

paddle hard, have fun, laugh hard

Sharon Colley
Sharon Colley

Age: 42   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: , United Kingdom

Biographical Information

YRQ 2011, World Masters Kayak K2 and K1 Silver, and Gold...much more wild, fun things

Aims for this race

looking forward to joining up with
5 other like‐minded women to compete in the 2012 Yukon River Quest, and apart from physically giving her best, I also want to
enjoy the journey downriver with my new found friends.

Joanie Pelletier
Joanie Pelletier

Age: 29   previous races: 2008,2009,2011

Sex: F

From: , QC, Canada

Biographical Information

3 YRQ's, Bikerelay, Buckwheat ski classic, Road Relay, Ice Canoeing and Can Can dancing- and more fun events!

Aims for this race

I miss the Yukon a lot and can’t wait to be back there and paddle the river again next summer with 5 other fun women!!

Team: 51 Yahndawa' Tzun
..return to top
womens Tandem Canoe
Yahndawa' Tzun

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 04:19:23
25th Overall
9th Tandem Canoe
3rd Womens Tandem Canoe

Monique Levesque

Age: 46   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2010-2011
Yukon 360 2011

Aims for this race

Pauline Frost

Age: 48   previous races: 1999,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

A few Yukon RVR Quests/Saskatchewan Canoe Quest.

Aims for this race

Stay in the boat and get to Dodge behind Monique and ahead of Derrick, while having the time of my life.

Reasons for entering this race

I will paddle with pride in recongnition my two dear friends Daron and Edith who are fighting a battle of thier lives.....much love to you both.

Team: 52 Dawson or Bust
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Dawson or Bust

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 06:33:42
33rd Overall
11th Tandem Canoe
5th Mens Tandem Canoe

David Little

Age: 50   previous races: 2006,2007,2009

Sex: M

From: Red Deer, AB, Canada

Biographical Information

YRQ 2005,2006,2009

Aims for this race

finish in a respectable time

Shane Carritt

Age: 42

Sex: M

From: Red Deer , AB, Canada

Biographical Information

Adventure racing, road cycling, mountain biking.

Aims for this race

To enjoy the Yukon and cross the finish line.

Reasons for entering this race

I have done some long paddling, but no marathon racing and I thought I should try this before I get too old....

Team: 53 Team Hellbender
..return to top
open Solo Canoe
Team Hellbender


Bauer Chiropractic

Time: 2 days 14:28:56
45th Overall
15th Solo
2nd Solo Canoe

David Hasenbeck

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: Piedmont , MO, United States

Biographical Information

Missouri river 340 2009 and 2010.

Aims for this race

To enjoy the river see the country and finish the race.

Team: 54 tramp again
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 07:30:51
37th Overall
10th Solo
10th Solo Kayak
9th Mens Solo Kayak

Seppo Kivioja
Seppo Kivioja

Age: 56   previous races: 2010,2011

Sex: M

From: nivala, Finland | Suomi

Biographical Information

YRQ Solo kayak 2010 and 2011

Aims for this race

Enjoy the race.Meet interesting people.Improve my time.

Team: 55 Team Such A Blast
..return to top
mens Voyageur


We would like to raise awareness and funds for the Sonoma County CASA volunteer program. CASA is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving abused, abandoned and neglected children who have been removed from their homes for protection and referred to CASA by the juvenile court.

MAKE A PLEDGE: We will be gathering pledges until June 16th, 2012. All funds will go directly to CASA of Sonoma and are tax deductable.

2 cents a mile = $8.88
5 cents a mile = $22.20
10 cents a mile = $44.40
25 cents a mile =

Time: 1 day 18:45:15
2nd Overall
2nd Voyageur
2nd Mens Voyageur

Leif Calvin
Leif Calvin

Age: 44

Sex: M

From: Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Biographical Information

Sitka Sound Ocean Adventure race
World Outrigger Championships,  Molokai Hoe: 6 crossings
US Outrigger Championships, Catalina to Newport Beach: 10 crossings.
California Ocean Racing series: Malibu to Marina.  OC-1
California Ocean Racing Series: Catalina to Dana Point relay.
Head Coach:  Tamalpais Outrigger Canoe Club, Sausalito California

Aims for this race

To paddle 440 miles; finish strong, with a smile, and the energy to drink beer with his friends.  He would like his 44 year old body to be in the same cardiovascular and muscular  condition, as when he was 27 years old competing in his first Molokai Hoe.

Cyril Derreumaux
Cyril Derreumaux

Age: 35

Sex: M

From: Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Biographical Information

Moloka’I Hoe - World Championship Outrigger Canoe, 2010, 2011.

Aims for this race

Enjoy life’s experiences + push his limits + have fun + feel alive

Matthew Glerum
Matthew Glerum

Age: 46

Sex: M

From: Novato, CA, United States

Biographical Information

39 years of flatwater canoeing
5 years of whitewater
10 years of outrigger canoe paddling and racing.
3 consecutive 2nd place finishes in division at Catalina
Moloka'i Hoe world championship in 2010

Aims for this race

To experience an extraordinary race with close friends, his paddling ohana, and to compete!
To see the Yukon territories for the first time, and to experience his first ultra-distance race

Roman Kristl
Roman Kristl

Age: 51

Sex: M

From: Carmel Valley, CA, United States

Biographical Information

White water junior national team (C-2)
Czech Olympic Team - flat water (K-2) 1982-1986
Primal Quest finisher 2004 (400 mile multiple venue nonstop race)
Molokai crossing two years, 1990 &amp; 2010
Ke Kai O'Uhane Outrigger Club 1989 to current
Catalina crossing, 1991 &amp; 2010
Kona 1992
Multiple years wave chaser series, adventure racing, wild flower triathlons (Olympic and 1/2 iron), Epies great race, Sierra three step (3 consecutive Marathons).

Aims for this race

He is ready to suffer and check the Yukon off
his bucket list!

Daniel Camp
Daniel Camp

Age: 47

Sex: M

From: San Ramon, CA, United States

Biographical Information

Catalina race outrigger canoe 14 times
Molokai crossing 6 times
World Sprints in Bora Bora
He has competed in races in Southern California, Northern California, Canada and Hawaii during 14 years.

Aims for this race

To push himself to his outer realm of ability. And, oh yeah, to have fun and finish safely with his teammates

Tony Van Buuren
Tony Van Buuren

Age: 49

Sex: M

From: Livermore , CA, United States

Biographical Information

Mens’ coach Tamalpais Outrigger Canoe Club 1998-2002
Mens’ coach False Creek Racing Canoe Club (Vancouver) 1992-1994
18 Molokai Hoe crossings
15 Catalina Crossings (9-man and 1 man)
6 US surf ski Championships
World Dragon boat Championships
Yue Yang China 1995
Hong Kong international dragon boat
championships 88, 90, 92

Aims for this race

Team: 56 Boydes of a Feather
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
Boydes of a Feather

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 02:05:54
18th Overall
6th Tandem Canoe
2nd Mixed Tandem Canoe

Jim Boyde

Age: 69   previous races: 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Have followed Steve up the Rat River before and been to Dawson on the Yukon River.

Aims for this race

Find more quick lanes and fuels for same.

Reasons for entering this race

Staying the course and better experiencing the magical.

Pam Boyde

Age: 64   previous races: 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010

Sex: F

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

First Yukon wilderness river paddle was in 1976. There have been many more such adventures since then. Did our first River Quest in 2005, and then again and again and again...

Aims for this race

To enjoy the challenge and finish in good style.

Team: 57 Crazy Heart
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Crazy Heart

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 1 day 21:01:21
5th Overall
2nd Tandem Canoe
2nd Mens Tandem Canoe

Connor Landick

Age: 21

Sex: M

From: Marquette, MI, United States

Biographical Information

Clinton '11, Ausable '11

Aims for this race

To have fun with my dad and gain endurance in the sport.

Steve Landick

Age: 59   previous races: 2001,2004,2005,2006

Sex: M

From: Marquette, MI, United States

Biographical Information

28,000 mile canoe trip

Aims for this race

To discover the meaning of life (and get to the finish line).

Reasons for entering this race

Have fun together.

Team: 59 This Ain't No Mirror Pond
..return to top
womens Tandem Kayak


We are two women who just turned 50 and we’ve decided to compete in the Yukon River Quest this summer to show what a couple of little old ladies can still do! We’ll also be documenting the adventure with video, etc. as a project for REALMS, an expeditionary learning middle school. Our goal is to gather contemporary interviews and blend them with pioneer history to get kids excited about exploring, taking on challenges and facing adversity.

Time: 2 days 06:33:04
32nd Overall
5th Tandem Kayak
3rd Womens Tandem Kayak

Pam Stevenson
Pam Stevenson

Age: 50

Sex: F

From: Bend, OR, United States

Biographical Information

Lots and lots of adventure races

Aims for this race

Not get eaten by bears

Reasons for entering this race

To show what two little old ladies can do!

Karen Holm
Karen Holm

Age: 50

Sex: F

From: Bend, OR, United States

Biographical Information

Traveling the Western Hemisphere by human power - kayaking, canoeing, bicycling, backpacking . . .

Aims for this race

Being in a kayak for more hours straight than ever before.

Reasons for entering this race

We can still do it at 50!

Team: 60 Men of Arms
..return to top
mens Tandem Kayak
Men of Arms

Official Team Photo from the Start


Waterstone Products
Boreal Engineering
Alpine Health Supplies/Medichair
Epic Kayaks
Icebreaker Merino Wool
Smith Optics

Thu 13:06:36 2.7km past Macauley Bar -136.0956, 62.0976; status:WITHDRAWN

Matt Schenck
Matt Schenck

Age: 46

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Sea Kayak instructor and guide 7 years
Whitewater paddling
Atlin/Juneau ski traverse
2 time solo Haines to Haines bike relay

Aims for this race

To still love to paddle my boat after the race
To have fun ...most of the way
To strengthen the friendship with my teammate
Finish in top 3 in category

Reasons for entering this race

1. I just love paddling my boat
2. It is time

Justin Wallace

Age: 31

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Raced YRQ before: 2011 Sausages and Mussels Alumni!
Other Experience: Bought a canoe two years ago and never looked back. Like to start the season by paddling from Schwatka to Marsh lake and back. Plenty of local whitewater.

Aims for this race

1. To place in the top three in the category. 2. To still be friends and want to the paddle with my teammate the following weekend. 3. To find our limits as a team and motivate people to push beyond them.

Team: 61 Tédenké
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe

Wed 21:51:23 0.0km past Lower Laberge -135.2312, 61.3921; status:WITHDRAWN

Jeremy Staveley
Jeremy Staveley

Age: 27

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

6 years guiding
multi-day canoe trips in Yukon and northern BC

Aims for this race

Arrive in Dawson and enjoy the river along the way.

Brock Nicholson
Brock Nicholson

Age: 27

Sex: M

From: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Biographical Information

Head trainer for Golds Gym Lower Mainland, along with running personal training company.

Aims for this race

Challenge myself to help inspire people to achieve anything they put their mind to

Team: 62 Atlantic Express
..return to top
womens Tandem Canoe
Atlantic Express

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 02:19:19
20th Overall
7th Tandem Canoe
1st Womens Tandem Canoe

Abby Lewis

Age: 21

Sex: F

From: Prince George, --

Biographical Information

General Clinton 2008
Cross Canada by Bike Solo 2010
Cross Canada Canoe Odyssey 2011

Aims for this race

Bev Lewis

Age: 25

Sex: F

From: Halifax, NS, Canada

Biographical Information

Marathon Racing NS
General Clinton/Shawinigan 2011

Aims for this race

Team: 63 Asleep At The Paddle
..return to top
womens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 09:50:04
40th Overall
12th Solo
11th Solo Kayak
2nd Womens Solo Kayak

Avery Burke
Avery Burke

Age: 19   previous races: 2011

Sex: F

From: Ashton, ON, Canada

Biographical Information

Yukon River Quest 2011

Aims for this race

Avoid a dunking in the river and finish well.

Reasons for entering this race

It's all about getting back up north - the race is just an excuse!

Team: 64 Men of the Midnight Sun
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
Men of the Midnight Sun


McDonald Bros. Electric

Time: 2 days 00:07:00
15th Overall
4th Tandem Canoe
4th Mens Tandem Canoe

Kendall McDonald
Kendall McDonald

Age: 36

Sex: M

From: Inuvik, NT, Canada

Biographical Information

Some sprint racing around the Mackenzie Delta. 1st marathon race.

Aims for this race

To be ready mentally and physically.To finish in a respectable time.

Reasons for entering this race

The challange, the excitment and the chance to learn from all the athletes.

Tim Gordon

Age: 41

Sex: M

From: Inuvik, NT, Canada

Biographical Information

Some sprint racing.

Aims for this race

To finish, to learn.

Reasons for entering this race

To test myself.

Team: 65 Northern Allies
..return to top
mixed Tandem Canoe
Northern Allies

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 18:20:56
51st Overall
18th Tandem Canoe
6th Mixed Tandem Canoe

Patrick Poulin

Age: 32

Sex: M

From: Beaver Creek, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Death Race

Aims for this race

Have fun

Reasons for entering this race

Have fun

Natalie Vachon

Age: 38

Sex: F

From: , QC, Canada

Biographical Information

Logs Rocks and Steel

Aims for this race

Adventure and experience in nature !

Reasons for entering this race

Have fun

Team: 66 Slow Un Steady
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak
Slow Un Steady

Fri 18:02:56 7.1km past Kirkman Creek -139.5043, 63.0216; status:WITHDRAWN

Gary Seed

Age: 55

Sex: M

From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada

Biographical Information

Logs Rocks &amp; Steel
Quest For a Cure
Marathons &amp; 10K's (running)
Paddling around the Yukon

Aims for this race

have some fun &amp; challenge myself

Reasons for entering this race

a tribute to my Deliverance buddies
(uh ... it's not what you think)

Team: 67 NumbNuts
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 1 day 22:25:18
7th Overall
2nd Solo
2nd Solo Kayak
2nd Mens Solo Kayak

Shaun Thrower
Shaun Thrower

Age: 51   previous races: 2009,2011

Sex: M

From: Hereford, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

3 x Yukon River Quests and other varied Races

Aims for this race

To Achive whats in my head, not like last year.

Reasons for entering this race

To race Hard and suffer, meet up with old and new friends,Party hard in Dawson

Team: 68 The Black Sheep
..return to top
mens Solo Kayak

Time: 2 days 22:38:26
54th Overall
18th Solo
15th Solo Kayak
13th Mens Solo Kayak

Darran Williams
Darran Williams

Age: 32   previous races: 2007

Sex: M

From: Norwich, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

All-round sportsman of multiple abilities!

Aims for this race

To finish the race

Reasons for entering this race

For another experience of a lifetime

Team: 69 The Swindon Seaman
..return to top
mens Tandem Canoe
The Swindon Seaman

Official Team Photo from the Start

Time: 2 days 15:41:42
47th Overall
16th Tandem Canoe
8th Mens Tandem Canoe

Jonathan Whelan

Age: 27

Sex: M

From: London, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

2003 Yukon Challenge - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition
2006 Mt Kilimanjaro (three legged)
2011 Everest Base Camp

Aims for this race

To complete and celebrate with a SourToe cocktail!

Reasons for entering this race

To fulfill the promise I made in 2003 to come back and do this race

Craig Lukins

Age: 26

Sex: M

From: Fulham, London, United Kingdom

Biographical Information

Rock climbing, triathlons, and cycled Lands End to John O'Groats

Aims for this race

To survive